weight Management

Jacksonville, FL

It’s time to make an everlasting change in your life!

We offer and provide a 100% physician-guided and comprehensive weight management program for long term lasting results.

Make your weight-loss journey into a successful and lifelong commitment to yourself and your health.

The goal of our weight management program is to coach you and provide you with the education needed to reverse weight gain so you can transition to a healthier and durable lifestyle to live stronger, longer, and to prevent, control, and possibly reverse chronic diseases.

Every patient is unique, and the weight loss journey should be individualized. Listed below, are all the necessary components for a successful weight management program:

  • Realistic short and long-term goals.
  • Nutritional plans with emphasis on abundant fiber and water intake.
  • Recommendations for healthy meals and dietary plans that include recipes that are fulfilling and enjoyable.
  • Constant education about healthy and balanced nutrition.
  • Continuous behavior modification and self-awareness.
  • Screening and identification of unhealthy eating habits that prevent a healthy weight.
  • Screening and identification for any mental health symptoms or conditions.
  • Improvement and correction of barriers or lifestyle patterns that predispose to weight gain.
  • Periodic medical evaluations and review of chronic medical conditions if present.
  • Recommendations and encouragement for physical activity and exercise programs tailored to each person’s specific fitness level.
  • Targeting and improvement of any existing nutritionally related medical conditions such as Diabetes, Hypertension, or others.

What to expect from our Medical Weight Management Program:

  • During your initial appointment, you will be given multiple Questionnaires to screen for lifestyle patterns, unhealthy eating habits, mental health conditions, sleep abnormalities, and physical activity readiness. At your medical interview, we will discuss your medical conditions, current medications, and all health related concerns.
  • The next step involves blood testing to identify and address any potential health problems that could be causing weight gain. This blood work is very comprehensive and includes chemistry, nutrient levels, and hormonal panels.
  • As a participant in our weight management program, you will be monitored either biweekly or monthly. On each follow up visit, we will review and discuss your progress to help you accomplish your ideal and healthy weight.
  • We also can prescribe safe and effective FDA-approved medications that can suppress your appetite, control symptoms of hunger, and help you feel satisfied with less food. These medications can be prescribed short or long term to achieve the desired goals faster.
  • Natural supplements can also be recommended to boost your energy and calorie burning capacity, and to support your overall health and wellness while you achieve your weight goals.

Follow these 6 tips for a successful weight loss plan:

Eat Nutritious Food

Eat the rainbow! Food rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Prepare whole, natural and unprocessed meals. Whole food nutrients can have a big impact on your overall health.

eliminate sugars, FAT & processed foods

Completely eliminate from your diet all refined sugars, fatty food such as cheese and dressings, and processed food.

Less fat & more fiber

Wholesome mostly plant-based diet rich in fiber, minerals, and phytonutrients. Avoid fats and caloric dense food. Avoid dairy products such as cheese, and minimize the amount of meat and poultry.

Intermittent Fasting

The health benefits of intermittent fasting are well researched and include longevity, cognitive stamina and prevention of metabolic disorders and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer.


Stay hydrated and increase your fluid intake to feel less hungry and for efficient functioning of your body.


Burn calories and that stubborn fat. Practice aerobic exercises every day.